Anyone in business who wants to develop their skills, meet new people, and stay on the cutting edge needs to go to at least one live event each year. That event could be a conference, seminar, workshop, or even a mastermind retreat.
But the whole experience can be expensive, and they certainly take up a chunk of precious time.
So, how do you make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth?
The key to getting the most from any live event is good planning.
Most people sign up for an event with the best of intentions. But then time slips away, other tasks take precedent, and suddenly it’s the day of the event. They show up, participate in whatever looks good at the moment, take a bunch of notes…. and walk away with more good intentions. At that point, without a plan, life gets in the way again and soon they forget whatever takeaways they managed to get. All that expense was for nothing.
Don’t let that happen to you!
In our course on ‘Getting the Most from Live Events’, we’ll guide you through the key tasks you need to do before, during, and after attending an event…. if you want it to have a true impact on your business.